Thursday, April 25, 2013

ALCOHOL FACTS - Effects of alcohol on the body Search in Google

Effects of alcohol on the body

After alcohol enters the bloodstream through the small intestine quickly. Based on the amount of alcohol enters the bloodstream, the brain slows down the operation. The amount involved in the blood of people who drink alcohol,

  •      How much you drink at a certain time,
  •      Body size, sex, body composition and metabolism,
  •      Depends on the type and quantity of food in the stomach.

After alcohol is mixed into the blood, there is no food or drink does not reduce its impact. Sometimes the fruit sugar, and thus speed up the effect of elimination of alcohol from the blood takes less than out.

Hour 8.5 g of a normal adult metabolism. alcohol (beer 3 is a / 2) from the body can not digested. However, by this figure, physical structure, sex, and condition kidneys will vary significantly based on genetic.


Influence of alcohol or any drugs on the following factors:

  •      At a time of the intake
  •      Içilme drink shape
  •      The conditions under which drink is drunk (in the person's psychological state, emotional state, next to the presence or absence of others, no matter whether another alınılmadığı (drugs, etc.).

  Etkilerindeki bloodstream is the most important factor is the amount of alcohol. Quantities of alcohol into the bloodstream, and the effects of crosstalk are shown in the following table. On the left side are in one milliliter of deciliter of blood, the amount of alcohol involved.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Menogon Drug Therapy Search in Google

What is Menogon?

Include in Menogon menotrophin.
Menotrophin is obtained from the urine of post-menopausal women.Hormones made ​​naturally in the human brain, has the effect of the same hormone.And increase the number of eggs used in order to support development.

What side effects Menogon?

Nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity.Depending on the treatment may lead to overstimulation of the ovaries.

How to use Menegon?

5 pieces in a box of powder and 5 light bulbs with watering occurs, the active ingredient is at dust.
According to the planned dose of powder is mixed with water into a muscle (IM) is hip.

Menogon affect the baby will develop?

An increase in the rate of abnormality was observed when compared to the general population.
The first phase of treatment is to obtain a sufficient number of eggs capable of fertilization.
This aim, the ovaries are stimulated with various drugs.
The first IVF pregnancy in humans, derived from a natural menstrual period is obtained by single fertilized egg, even if the multiple number of embryos to be transferred, increase the likelihood of success.
Must be the only way to achieve as many as many egg embryo is obtained.
Applied to virtually test-tube baby centers in the world today stimulation of the ovaries.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hepatitis treatment Search in Google

Hepatitis treatment

What is hepatitis?

Reactions that occur in liver inflammation called hepatitis is my medicine.

How do occur in individuals with hepatitis? 

Hepatitis virus and hepatitis B are not the only reason.Hepatitis viruses (hepatitis B, hepatitis C, ...), bacteria, a variety of drugs, alcohol use and long-term exposure can lead to various industrial materials.

Loss of hepatitis

No matter what reason, the resulting damage to liver cells causes hepatitis.
Swelling and tenderness in the liver, inflammation occurs.
Liver revealed a sensitivity that is common.
Hepatitis in some cases cause permanent damage.

The most important case here should be considered important emerging hepatitis viruses able to infect.
Hepatitis is transmitted from human to human.

Types of hepatitis.

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis D
Hepatitis E
Hepatitis G

We'll explain one by next summer types of hepatitis.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Neupogen drug Search in Google

Neupogen,Neupogen drug

Neupogen drug

The same day as myelosuppressive cytotoxic chemotherapy, the safety and efficacy of Neupogen to be determined.
Rapidly dividing myeloid cells to myelosuppressive cytotoxic chemotherapy, the sensitivity is taken into consideration, Neupogen, cytotoxic chemotherapy 24 hours before and 24 hours after the call is not recommended to use at the time.
Neupogen is applied together with a 5-Floro-uracil in a small number of patients, according to preliminary findings of neutropenia may increase the weight.

Other hematopoietic growth factors and cytokines currently in clinical trials has not been investigated possible interactions.
Due to the neutrophils increased secretion of lithium, there is likely to potentiate the effects of Neupogen.
Although these interactions are not fully investigated, such an interaction does not have any data in the direction of the pest.
Incompatibility of Neupogen
Neupogen may adsorb to glass and plastic materials diluted.Diluted in 5% glucose solution, however, Neupogen glass and PVC, polyolefins (polypropylene and polyethylene comprising a co-polymer) and is compatible with polypropylene, including various types of plastic.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Balance Sheet of swine flu Search in Google

Balance Sheet of swine flu

Balance Sheet of swine flu

  • WORLD took 15 thousand lives.
  • H1N1 virus has cost the world 4.4 trillion dollars.
  • Pharmaceutical companies provide bird flu had come from the 2.2 trillion dollars.
  • USA, 10-47 billion dollars of outbreaks in schools and day care center has successfully undergone damage reported.
  • Federation of Small Businesses go to work because of the swine flu 2.1 million pound budget suffered non-British has successfully identified.
  • Swine flu in Turkey took over 600 lives.
  • Turkey, 43 million doses of vaccine had been ordered.Took delivery of the 8.4 million doses of vaccine, 4 million was used.4 million grant to the works.35 million doses of vaccine to return calls for pharmaceutical companies is underway.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Detoxamin drug treatment Search in Google


Detoxamin drug treatment

Detoxamin web site says;

Seventy years ago, the world started seeing the benefits of IV EDTA Chelation Therapy. Cardiovascular diseases, arterial blockages and even high blood pressure complaints subsided. In fact, EDTA Chelation Therapy started the whole science of anti-aging medicine. However, IV Chelation was too inconvenient and too expensive. All these problems are eliminated with Detoxamin chelation suppositories. Detoxamin is the only brand that has been proven in verifiable scientific clinical studies.

About Detoxamin Video

How to Use Video

Detoxamin Photos

Detoxamin Types
  • Detoxamin Adult
  • Detoxamin Kids
  • Detoxamin Oral
  • Detoxamin Silver

    Monday, February 1, 2010

    How is killing swine flu? Search in Google

    How is killing swine flu?

    How is killing swine flu?

    Brazilian scientists have been captured in the swine flu, some people are dying to find out why they did twenty-one autopsy on the victim.

    All occurring in patients with lung disorders due to the flu, lost his life in three different ways if he says watching experts.

    For example, heart and cancer patients their lives often depend on a secondary bacterial infection because they lost their lives.
    Therefore, people with these diseases in addition to antiviral therapy also need to see is anti-bacterial treatment.

    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine in the journal "Lung Pathology in Fatal Human Influenza A-H1N1 Infection Novel" published under the title of managing research scientist Mauad Thais, as well as artificial respiration is also recommended.

    Previous research into the fatal infections in patients with respiratory difficulties experienced have been captured, while the most prominent symptoms in patients with other swine flu fever, cough and muscle pain that was understood.

    And his team from 1 to 68 years Mauad between the 21 victims in the post-mortem examination has realized.Diseases such as heart or cancer in 16 of them had.

    The investigation of lung tissue during the three different histological findings have emerged.
    1. significant extent of alveolar damage
    2. Inflammatory tissue to die
    3. in bronchial bleeding. 
     In addition, the lungs of some patients was excessive cytokine secretion.These proteins of the immune system is a sign saying that the excessive reaction.
    This reaction is fatal infection process is contributing to watch it.
    Development of bird flu or Sars same disease process as well as heavy as it is seen that the experts "cytokine attack as" name.
    The victim's immune system against disease agents react with extreme, life-threatening lung disorder that leads to.