Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Suggestions from experts for swine influenza Search in Google

Swine flu, the first place to go for the senses at the end of the doubts that the hospital should not be a health clinic. The health authorities when required by the risk disease who should be sent to the hospital. In this way, the crowd in front Encounters of the hospital can be prevented.

Right with the World Organization (WHO), according to antiviral drugs in the treatment of swine flu and the accompanying in the treatment of other diseases should be used. Other than that antiviral drugs should not be a protective purpose.

Swine flu died from the disease should not be in contact with the person. The contact person for the purpose of washing the deceased for the funeral of the virus in the mouth and nose secretions constitute ups are still elements of danger. But the dead person's funeral shroud and wrapped in preparation for transmission of the disease as a reason not be seen.

Symptoms of the disease typically have common characteristics. But these symptoms may vary from person to person. For example, the most commonly known as the flu symptoms of high fever in children, the elderly and may not be if no.


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