Friday, November 6, 2009

What is swine flu ? Search in Google

What is swine flu?
Swine influenza A (H1N1) virus type caused by a viral disease that caused the disease in humans. Mexico and the United States for the first time the disease was seen and then spread to many countries.

Why is this new H1N1 virus "swine flu is called?
This virus "swine flu" in reason, common among swine influenza virus is very similar to that shown. This new human virus, is a mixture of swine and avian viruses.

Swine influenza (A/H1N1) Is infectious virus?
Swine influenza A (H1N1) virus is contagious and is passed from person to person.

Swine influenza (A/H1N1) What are the symptoms?
The symptoms of swine flu in humans are similar to common flu symptoms. Including:
Sore throat,
Widespread body pain,
Chills and
includes symptoms such as. In some cases, vomiting and diarrhea also can be seen.

Swine influenza (A/H1N1) is how the infection?
Swine influenza in the same way again with the spread of seasonal influenza is considered. Influenza viruses spread from person to person through coughing and sneezing are. Influenza A virus infection after touching down, hands in the mouth or nose when you move the disease can be transmitted.

Water from the swine flu (A/H1N1) virus can be transmitted?
Drinking, use and contamination of pool water are not shown.

Swine flu drugs to treat Is?
Yes. The treatment of swine flu or to prevent this disease drugs are available that can be used under strict medical supervision. These drugs unless advised by a doctor, should not be used strictly as a prescription.

How long the people infected with infected?
People, one day before symptoms start and up to 7 days after infection.

What is the source of infection more surfaces?
Through coughing and sneezing, the patient can be spread person's saliva particles into the air chair, desk surfaces, such as can be transmitted. A place where people infected with the virus after touching their hands to mouth, eyes or nose can infect lasts. How long at this surface of the virus can stay alive that affect temperature, humidity, surface characteristics, such as is mentioned by many factors. The theme of this surface as the patient people should not be touched for any reason, has been touched hands should be washed.

Cleaning of homes and belongings have to be careful what?
To prevent the spread of influenza virus, surfaces (tables, door handles, bathroom surfaces, kitchen counter, toys, etc.) used in daily cleaning with detergent cleaning is sufficient. Except cleaning agents we use daily chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, iodine antiseptic, and some chemical substances such as alcohol is also effective.

Patients belonging to sheets, underwear, towels and containers do not need to be washed separately kacağın. However, these items should not be used by someone else without washing. These sheets as possible and should be washed by hand should be moved without contact. Patient's linen, washing hands after it has been changed must be washed with soapy water. Patients belonging to or in the dishwasher or get pots and pans should be washed using a detergent.

How can I protect myself from the swine flu?
Currently, a protective vaccine is not available from the swine flu.
By taking the following measures not only from the flu, such as influenza, respiratory diseases transmitted all you can protect yourself:
  • During coughing and sneezing with a tissue close your mouth and nose. After you use your garbage cart at your handkerchief to.
  • Once your hands after coughing and sneezing, wash with plenty of soap and water. Alcohol-containing antiseptic hand washing is also effective.
  • Eyes with dirty hands, touching your nose and your mouth do not.
  • Caught up in the swine flu, the symptoms began after 7 days or until symptoms after one day of your move completely at home you rest.
  • The disease does not infect people around you to stay away from here.
  • You can create spaces frequently aired.

How should I wash my hands to protect them from disease?
Wash your hands with soap and water for 15-20 seconds you must. Water and soap can not reach the places you can use alcohol-containing antiseptic hand. Click here to see the hand-washing with shapes.

What should I do if I become ill?
Swine flu within 7 days after contact with a suspicious person in your own symptoms as listed above should contact a doctor immediately if you feel. Your doctor or treatment of any test will decide whether or not you need.
If you're showing signs of disease or illness you have at home resting and from people around you in order not to infect them away from here.

What are the symptoms that require emergency intervention in adults?
Difficult breathing or shortness of breath
Consciousness blur
Frequent and prolonged vomiting

What are the symptoms in children requiring emergency intervention?
Fast or difficult breathing
Pallor in the body or bruising
Diet of processing
Decrease in response to warnings and sleep propensity
Fire debris seen together.


Ay Grafik said...

harika bir anlatım teşekkürler.

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